Vintage Southern Weddings at Magnolia HIll

Vintage Southern Weddings at Magnolia HIll
Southern Romantic Weddings, Destination Weddings and Receptions at Alda's Magnolia Hill • 5110 Stageoach Road, Little Rock, Arkansas | call: 501-690-2574

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Snow Ice Cream

I have always been an ice cream girl...vanilla. ice. cream.  Winter, summer, spring or fall, I love ice cream. On of my favorite memories growing up was that of my mother making snow ice cream.  She would bring a dishpan of fresh made snow ice cream out onto the front porch where we children were building our snowman...and hand out spoons.

 I know much of the country is socked in and here in the south we do not have snow very often, 
but I want to be ready when we do! 
 With a 4 year old who has not see much snow, 
I think this will be a favorite memory too....

1 large bowl of snow....about 10 cups
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix all together and serve immediately.

that's all! 

So simple, so delicious...I think you will be surprised how it looks like traditional ice cream but tastes even better. 

Just be cautious when gathering snow, gather fresh clean snow. Don't dig too deeply and gather your snow from an area that is out in the open away from any bushes or trees. 

I like mine, plain vanilla, but you can add marshmallows or sprinkles. 

A fire is roaring in the fireplace so let the first snowflake fall. I am ready for a walk to the bridge and snow ice cream ! 

"The whole earth is full of His glory."  Isaiah 6:3